May 212014

Presidents dinner 2014 (3)As well as working to make their town a better place and helping those in need, our members  also relax and enjoy a good meal and entertainment.  This year  the president and members of our club together with their wives and partners, guests and friends. were at the Manor Hotel in Gravesend and  after dinner  were treated to Henry VIII’s  personal account of life with his six wives.

Appropriately dressed  for the occasion his majesty gave us insights into his courtship and marriages that  we had never considered before and which we will hold in our memories for a long time to come. The period was brought so vividly to life that the swish of the axe and sword  could almost be heard…but luckily not felt. It was generally agreed that with a history teacher of the same calibre as our speaker we would all have been far better educated! ”

Pictured is his majesty with six  “wives”  drawn from  club members, Inner Wheel, personal and club guests.

Bob Denby