
Sep 202019
Petanque challenge

The three Rotary clubs in Gravesham (Gravesend, Northfleet and Gravesend & Meopham) met on a sunny Sunday afternoon (8 September) to play petanque. Gravesend Rugby Football Club has top quality petanque courts. The cover over part of the courts is the one recently removed (legally, we are told!) from the car park by Gravesend Market.

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Aug 122019
Success at Bat & Trap

The annual match of Bat & Trap against Rochester Rotary Club on Sunday resulted in a win by Gravesend and our member Simon Lancaster winning the best batsman cup for the highest score. We are grateful for the hospitality of the Rochester Club and of Paddy Marsh who hosted the match in her garden following

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Mar 232019

On Saturday 16th march the Rotary Club of Gravesend held their annual quiz to raise money for international charities. As happens every year the quiz was put together and the evening organised by Adrian and Lynfred Warburton. It proved to be a great success with the nine teams competing and the sum o f£475 raised

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Sep 302018
Three Clubs Golf and Dinner 2018

A golf club handy for the town centre with good free parking and easy access to motorways and countryside. We were most fortunate in our choice of club HQ it enables the golfers amongst us to get in some regular practice before inviting our Rotarian friends to an afternoons competition. Not that it always guarantees

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Sep 112018
Petanque 2018

  Gravesend … riverside resting place of Princess Pocahontas and gateway to London.   And home of a championship petanque rink at the Gravesend Rugby Club where the Rotary clubs of Gravesend and Northfleet gathered in late August to battle for the annual championship cup. According to the meteorologists the long hot summer had finally

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