
Apr 222020
Help for footsteps International in Kenya

The picture shows boys from the Sunshine Centre in Naivasha Kenya. It was taken last July when two of our members, Di Trimm and Chris Keeble with their spouses Malcolm and Marion visited and worked at the Centre for two weeks. Footsteps International Charity started the Sunshine Centre nearly 20 years ago to provide accommodation

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Nov 122019
Crocuses herald an end to Polio

There will be a display of 4,000 purple crocuses in Woodlands Park, Gravesend next Spring thanks to the Rotary Club of Gravesend assisted by pupils from St George’s Church of England School and Gravesham Borough Council. The flowers will not be there just to look pretty: they will symbolise the efforts of Rotary clubs around

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Oct 302019
Clocktower goes purple for Polio

We marked World Polio Day on Thursday, 24 October, 2019 by arranging with Gravesham Council for the Gravesend Clock Tower to be floodlit in purple, the colour adopted by the End Polio Now campaign. It was great for us to be able to mark World Polio Day in this way and then explain to the

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Oct 162019
Clock Tower to shine purple on World Polio Day

Gravesend’s famous Clock Tower will shine purple from sunset to midnight on Thursday, 24 October, 2019, joining thousands of buildings around the globe for World Polio Day. Polio now seems a distant memory in the UK although our children are still routinely vaccinated against it. Gravesend Rotary is supporting the global campaign to see the

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Oct 152019
Rotarians visit Footsteps in Kenya

On Tuesday evening two of our members Di Trimm and Chris Keeble gave a presentation to the three local Rotary clubs about their trip to Kenya. The purpose of the visit was to spend 2 weeks in and around The Sunshine Centre in Naivasha, Kenya. The Centre is organised by two special people, Martin and

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