Gravesend Rotary held it 33rd annual fun bike ride on Sunday 12th May 2019. His Worshipfulness Cllr. David Hurley the Mayor of Gravesham started the assembled riders at 08:45 sharp and wished them a safe and enjoyable ride. 550 riders cycled the 15, 30 and 45 mile routes starting from Gravesend Promenade and

returning back there.
Upon their return each rider received a slate coaster and certificate to commemorate their success. The ideal weather, the strong organisation, the beautiful Kent countryside and an atmosphere of camaraderie boosted riders’ enjoyment of the event with many vowing to return next year.
Our President, Tony Muckley, said:
“On behalf of the members of our Club I would like to congratulate the riders and thank them for their generous donations that will flow to the charities and needy causes we support. My thanks to our members, their spouses, friends, sponsors and support organisations that worked hard to set up the event, commencing last September, and to bring it to life last Sunday. Our members are eager to continue to support communities in this way. I am proud of what our club achieves and encourage the support of the local business community and the public to help us continue our work. Together we can make a difference.
“Let’s make next year’s event even better. Again, thank you.”