Sep 162016

We recently joined with our contact club in Cosne-Sancerre in France to provide some help for schools in Haitai. This was a project they initiated. They have recently sent us the following message and video:

It is with great pleasure that I am sending you a link to a film that was made about our Haïtian project, that of equipping out-of-the-way rural schools in the mountains of Haïti with solar panels and digital computer equipment.

The film shows the extent of the work done to furnish these schools, what has been done in the past and the actual teaching methods, as well as the hundreds of young people receiving an education for the first time!

The number of classes will augment as we continue to support Haïti Futur and les Ecoles Abricots.

Again, we thank you very much for your tremendous financial support in this project, without which it would have been difficult for us to achieve these results.

“Here is the link to the film on Youtube.  (There are English subtitles.)