Dec 032015

The club met representatives of local charities to hear about their work and to present them with donations. The money was raised from our local community through the On Your Bike sponsored bike ride in April. Cheques totalling over £3,000 were presented to:

Age UK North West Kent
Alzheimer’s & Dementia Support Services
House of Mercy
Gravesesham & Dartford Phab Club
Waterside Family Support Centre
Hive Hope Food Bank
Hi-Kent (for the deaf & hard of hearing)

A few weeks earlier £7,000 was given to the ellenor for its hospice services.

Nov 082015

2015 Search & rescue

At our regular monthly dinner with partners and guests in November we were  given an insight into the workings of the KSAR and in particular the training and operation of the canine section of the service.

Jo Kenny, pictured with her dogs Bryn, a 10 year old Border Collie and Sky a 6 year old Hovawart are trained to search for specific missing persons, then return to their handler when the person  is found and guide the handler to the site.

Searching for hours at a time they will be rewarded for a ”find” with their particular favourite treat…. For Bryn this will be chasing a ball or a game of tug of war with Jo …for Sky a piece of cheese is ample reward..

The Service operates throughout Kent and in searching fields, woods and open spaces as well as rivers and lakes etc. is the lowland equivalent of the Mountain Rescue Service . All members are volunteers with full or part time jobs and are liable to be called out at any hour of the day or night.

KSAR is funded by public donation and Rotary President John Dyke, when handing Jo a cheque from the club members said that “To help the men and women providing such a valuable service to society is a privilege”

Bob Denby

Sep 152015

The three clubs of Gravesham meet annually for the  Gravesend Rotary Petanque Cup and on previous occasions the elements have almost defeated them. But this year the temperature rose,  the  drinks were cooling and the barbeque  was enjoyed by all.   So we didn’t win…that honour went to our daughter club of Gravesend and Meopham but who cared when the fun, food and fellowship was so  good. It really was an enjoyable  and relaxing day  and we promise we will try harder next year.

Bob Denby

Jun 042015

Hive Hope foodbank 2015 May sDeborah and Jeff Keys with a band of willing helpers open up the Hive Food Bank every  Wednesdays and Thursdays to help local residents  who cannot quite make ends meet.

On Thursday 4th June 2015 the Hive Food Bank celebrated its 1st birthday and  Deborah and Jeff Keys welcomed the President of the Rotary Club  of Gravesend John Baker who presented them with a  cheque to mark the event.

In thanking President John for the club’s  continued support Deborah said  “the day  has brought mixed emotions. We are glad that we are able to help those who cannot manage  but are sad that the need is there.

“We operate independently from the Trussell Trust in Gravesend ” she said, “we fill a local need not only for food but also for guidance towards other organisations that can help those in need”.

Since June 2014 around 1,000 clients have been helped and bags of food have been collected from  organisations such as Sainsbury’s Pepper Hill Superstore, local churches and shops  together with donations from the general public

“We help our clients as long as possible” said Deborah, “the majority are able to get back on their  feet within a month but we cannot let families and children starve just because we have reached a certain date in a calendar. We do not duplicate or encroach on the wonderful work done by the Trussell Trust in Gravesend but the need is such here in Northfleet that  anything we can do is welcome.

President John Baker  said that “Our club was formed over 80 years ago to serve the people of Gravesend. Today the needs of our local community is still our prime consideration and we are proud to be able to help Hive Hope whenever we can .

Bob Denby (photo John Dyke)

May 052015

Our Club responded quickly to the needs of Nepal following the disastrous earthquake. At our meeting on 27 April we decided to hold a street collection. The licence was obtained and the collection held on the following Saturday. There was a fantastic response from the townspeople of Gravesham. A total of £1,431.27 was collected between 10am and 4pm. The money has been sent to ShelterBox to support its work there. Thank you Gravesham.